PinnedBridging Compose and View: Seamless Interop Communication with CompositionLocalUsing CompositionLocal to face interoperability challenges between Compose and the View framework.Mar 51Mar 51
PinnedPublished inGoogle Developer ExpertsHands on Jetpack Compose VisualTransformation to create a phone number formatterAt Aircall, we are currently rewriting our design system with Jetpack Compose, the new UI framework made by Google.Dec 21, 20216Dec 21, 20216
Published inGoogle Developer ExpertsML Kit Document Scanner in actionRecently, ML Kit released a new library to digitize physical documents from your Android app: ML Kit Document Scanner.Apr 15, 2024Apr 15, 2024
UI tests with Jetpack Compose and Appium x UIAutomatorAt Aircall we are pushing a lot around quality thanks to our great QA team. Huge efforts are put on Android developer side with the unit…Dec 5, 20224Dec 5, 20224
Safe delay in Android Views: goodbye Handlers, Hello Coroutines!Using Handlers, without providing a Looper, has been deprecated in recent versions of Android because they can lead to bugsAug 8, 20215Aug 8, 20215
Lessons learned from Google Assistant and App Actions on AndroidMy company recently organized a hackathon and we did some experiments with Google Assistant and App Actions on Android.Jun 8, 20211Jun 8, 20211
Custom Shape with Jetpack ComposeAfter exploring the Jetpack Compose Canvas in a previous article, this new post will explain how you can draw and use a custom Shape for…Apr 26, 20218Apr 26, 20218
Published inGoogle Developer ExpertsExploring Jetpack Compose Canvas: the power of drawingIn this article, I will share my experience of using Canvas with Jetpack Compose, which is the new UI toolkit made by Google. The Android…Mar 19, 20212Mar 19, 20212
Published inInside AircallAircall Journey to Android App Bundle 📦A couple months, we decided to use Android App Bundle (AAB) to distribute Aircall’s Android app in Play Store. After analyzing the Aircall…Feb 18, 20211Feb 18, 20211
Parallax effect made it simple with Jetpack ComposeI was recently playing with Jetpack Compose, learning the future of the UI on Android. In a sample app, I tried to build a parallax effect.Feb 12, 20214Feb 12, 20214